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This Teacher’s Guide is intended for teachers of all qualification categories and levels of secondary education in Ukraine (primary, basic secondary, specialized secondary). Its main goal is not only to improve the remote learning of English through advice on the effective use of available technologies such as: computers, mobile phones, software and online platforms. In general, the Guide contributes to further development of teachers’ professional competence, helping them to deepen their understanding of communicative approaches to language learning, the importance of context-based learning, the effectiveness of authentic tasks and activities, the need to use techniques and activities that are sensitive to the social and emotional development of learners.


The Guide may also be useful for university teachers as well as student-teachers.


The Guide does not claim to be a highly academic paper or an instructional manual. It is rather a collection of ideas, advice and tools which teachers can carry forward after careful consideration. The style is informal with a lot of conversational discourse markers throughout as if the authors were talking over serious things with teachers in a friendly teachers’ room.

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